The department deals with the subject ‘Kriya Sharir’ i.e. functioning of human body in its
normal state. ‘Physiology’ is the basis of ‘Medicine’.
In this subject, students get introduced to very basic Ayurvedic concepts like Dosha, Dhatu,
Mala, Pachana, Prakruti, Atma, Mana etc.
If one understands these normal processes of body, it is easy to understand pathological
changes in ayurvedic view. Kriya Sharir is also basis of Ayurvedic pharmacology and
Ayurvedic medicine.
Out of five faculties two senior most faculties are PhD guides. Out of five faculties two
have completed their PhD & two are pursuing their PhD.
- Kriya Sharir is a very core & fundamental subject among all subjects of curriculum
as it deals with core ayurvedic concepts like dosha, dhatu, mala, agni, ojus, manas,
aatma etc. We at Kriya Sharir department are able to make conceptual foundations of
students on which all the understanding of preclinical & clinical subjects is going
to be depending upon. UNIQUE FEATURES
- Modern instruments like kymograph, response time analyzer, spirometer are also used for
experiments exploring basics of Ayurveda. Ex. Department was pioneer to use Harvard Step
test as a quantitative tool for ‘Bala Pareekshana’ practical.
- Department conserves the same traditional method of recitation of Shlokas.
- In the department thrust for post graduate researches has been put on application based,
socially oriented topics rather than theoretical ones.
- Teaching-Learning models developed by department Ex. A model on ‘Formation of Urine in
Kidney’ and ‘Cardiovascular & Respiratory system MCQs’ are two prominent to list
among them.