Moti Nagar, Bara Telpa, Chapra, Saran (Bihar 841301)

Shri Moti Singh Jageshwari

Ayurved College and Hospital

Recognised by: Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Affiliated to Bihar University of Health Sciences, Patna (Bihar)

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Shalakya Tantra is defined as branch of an Ayurveda which deals with diagnosis and management of diseases that occurs above the clavicle. Viz. Diseases of eyes, ears, nose, throat, head and neck. Since this speciality deals with narrow and delicate parts of body, it requires various specialised instruments for diagnosis and treatment. Hence, the term Shalaki is used for the specialists of Shalakyatantra.

Earlier the department was submerged with Shalyatantra. In 1983, Department of Shalakyatantra for Undergraduate was individualised. Since then the department is growing and working for uplift of glorious Ayurveda in Shalakyatantra..


  • To attain perfection in evaluation of Shalakyatantra diseases on classical and modern diagnostic aids, so as to facilitate utmost care to the patients.
  • To develop understanding of research methodology, to conduct research based on modern scientific investigative tools.


The Department of Shalakyatantra intends at bringing about confluence in achieving academic excellence and promoting development of scientific temper for researches in Shalakyatantra Ophthalmogy, ENT and Oro-dental specialty.


  • To develop ability of applying evidence based principles of medicine.
  • To develop the communication skills.
  • To develop the ability to practice the principles of primary health care.
  • To recognize the need of lifelong learning, to stay abreast of relevant scientific advances.
  • To inculcate thirst for learning so that students develop in-depth knowledge.
  • To help the learner to use the knowledge for clinical application in day to day practice.